04 Jan 2015

168 hours in a week, how do you spend your time?

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There are 168 hours in a week yet I feel like I have no time.  I am one of those people that friends are amazed by what I get accomplished all while I am kicking myself for not getting something done.  I am without a doubt a work-a-holic.  I run a business am a real estate agent and I have a family and own a ranch.  The various forms of work  take up alot of time.  I am constantly doing something yet at the end of the day I always see 20 things I wish I could get done.  Maybe if we just had a  200 hour  week.


So have you ever asked yourself, where does all the time go? Even more importantly were you able to answer that question?  In many ways I wish I could be more productive and in other ways I wish I could find enough time to have a little me time.  How about you, if you take a really good look at how you spend your 168 hour week you might just have more time than you think.


I used a couple of online tools to help me figure out where my time goes.  http://www.toggl.com lets you put what you are doing and start a timer on your activity.  Ironic that I probably spent an extra 20 minutes logging in what I was doing to figure out how I am spending my time.

Here is my report since Monday


THe other tool is https://www.rescuetime.com/ref/925569 which logs in your computer activity.  You can then categorize your activities such as business, entertainment, social networking etc and how productive the activity is.

Rescue Time

They say we should work smarter not longer. Now the smart thing for me would be to find the time  wasters and do something fun with the extra time that I find.  It has been forever  since I sat down and read a book or enjoyed a movie.  What would you like to do with your time?

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